Estonia joins the Partnership Fund for Resilient Ukraine
The Partnership Fund for Resilient Ukraine (PFRU), created to strengthen Ukraine’s resilience and support reconstruction efforts, unites the Ukrainian government and the government partners of eight donor countries.
The PFRU aims to strengthen the Ukrainian government's capacity and resilience as it combats Russian aggression and provides support to frontline communities and liberated areas, working in cooperation with civil society, the media, and the private sector. By collaborating under the PFRU's umbrella, donor countries can more easily coordinate and implement reconstruction projects.
According to Margus Gering, ESTDEV's head of Development and Cooperation for Ukraine, joining this multimillion-dollar fund gives Estonia access to the leadership council where strategy and reconstruction decisions are made. "This is a valuable opportunity to contribute to the recovery of Ukraine by relying on Estonian knowledge and experience," Gering said, adding that joining the fund is also a strategically important step for Estonia.
Gering said joining shows Estonia's commitment to supporting Ukraine and allows Estonia to participate in important decisions concerning Ukraine's future. "We firmly believe that this is an investment that will pay off many times over, contributing to Ukraine’s rapid and successful recovery," said Gering.
The UK government currently manages the PFRU through its embassy in Kyiv. Estonia, one of the leading countries working on reconstruction projects in Ukraine, decided to join and, through ESTDEV, contributed 100,000 euros to the PFRU.
Gering said that the Partnership Fund for Resilient Ukraine is designed to be quick and ad hoc. "The focus is on restoring the infrastructure of basic services, which is the basis for improving the quality of life and restoring normal life," said Gering.
Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States are co-contributors to the PFRU’s activities.
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