Supporting the self-reliance of Syrian refugee women, children and youth in Lebanon through digital competencies and entrepreneurship trainings
Project objectives
The project aims to support the self-reliance of vulnerable communities in Lebanon.
Actions and results
During the project, digital competencies and entrepreneurship trainings will be provided. The direct beneficiaries include Syrian refugee women and children/youth, and members of other vulnerable communities (Lebanese, Palestinian, etc). In addition, knowledge exchange sessions and community digital awareness raising events will be held in Lebanon alongside with a crafts market where women have the opportunity to sell their hand-made products.
The training curriculum is based on the European Commission's digital competences model DigComp and takes into account the international "Principles for Digital Development".
The total number of project direct beneficiaries is 374. As a result of the project, the digital and entrepreneurship skills of the vulnerable communities will improve, increasing their competitiveness on the labour market and allowing them to grow their income and therefore improve their livelihoods.