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Preparing the Moldovan public sector for negotiations and integration with the EU

  • SDG16
  • SDG8
icon_Democracy and Rule of Law

Democracy and Rule of Law

Timeframe 10.04.2024-31.12.2024 Lõppenud
Target group Moldova riigiametnikud ja diplomaadid
Budget 51 300 EUR

In cooperation with the State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova, the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) will start training Moldovan civil servants and diplomats on EU accession negotiations. 

Project objectives

The goal of the project is to increase the capacity of the Moldovan State Chancellery, Deputy Prime Minister’s Office and the Moldovan Diplomatic Institute (MDI) by training Moldovan officials who are involved in EU-accession negotiations and are responsible for Moldova’s internal EU-integration process.

Actions and results

This project also increases the institutional capacity of MDI as a training centre that would enable the institute to develop and implement EU-related training programs in the future. Sharing Estonia’s experience in various EU-integration related aspects enables to enhance the capacity of Moldovan officials to successfully conduct accession negotiations to administer EU-integration activities. In the training process officials from different areas provide information on structural reform needs for Moldova on its European path.