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Supporting Ukraine's EU integration

  • SDG16
  • SDG8
icon_Democracy and Rule of Law

Democracy and Rule of Law

Timeframe 25.03.2024-31.12.2024 Lõppenud
Target group Ukraina ametnikud
Budget 149 167 EUR

The aim of the training programme is to support the integration of Ukraine into the EU. The training programme will empower Ukrainian officials. They will be teached by experts in EU affairs and who have been involved in Estonia's EU accession process. The aim of the project is to ensure that the Ukrainian officials will have the necessary competences to promote and organise EU integration, i.e. they will know the institutions, understand the nature of negotiations and have gained knowledge of EU regulations in their field.

Project objectives

The aim of the project is to support Ukraine's integration with the European Union. 

Actions and results

In 2024, the training programme will be attended by 72 senior Ukrainian officials dealing with EU integration or related issues in their institutions.

There will be at least three two-day Zoom training sessions for groups (24 people or more) and six three-day study visits to Estonia (groups of up to 12 people) with Estonian experts and trainers.