Mondo launches digital competencies training programme in Kenya and Uganda
After receiving funding this year from the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV), Mondo will bring Estonia's digital expertise to a wider audience through a training programme for public school teachers in Kenya and Uganda.
The programme is designed to strengthen teacher education and improve teachers' digital competencies and skills. Close cooperation with local governments, Uganda’s Ministry of Education and Sports and Kenya’s Ministry of Education will boost the programme’s impact and make it sustainable over the long run.
“Both Kenya and Uganda emphasise digital learning's importance in education, but efforts to improve teachers' digital skills do not reach a large part of the country. Mondo's digital competencies programme gives teachers the necessary skills and confidence to use digital tools in their classrooms. In this rapidly evolving digital age, teachers, too, are learners,” said Hanna-Marta Lunge, Mondo Kenya Country Director.
This project is an extension of the digital skills training programme that Mondo has developed and implemented in northern Uganda over the past several years. Now project activities are being expanded to western Uganda and Kenya, focusing on implementing a competency-based curriculum.
"Sharing the best practices of digital development of Estonia is a great example of innovative development cooperation in action in East Africa. Mondo´s efforts to enhance the digital proficiency of public school teachers in rural areas resonate well with the ongoing competency-based curriculum reforms in Kenya and improvements in the educational qualification framework in Uganda. Digital literacy and skills enable African societies to set their agendas on the path to digital transformation,” said Riina Kuusik-Rajasaar, ESTDEV’s advisor for Africa.
More than 400 education professionals in Kenya and Uganda, including primary school teachers and teachers' college students, will participate in the training programme. Furthermore, the project will strengthen the network of local governments, facilitating the implementation of sustainable education reforms and making a broader impact on the community. The project will run until March 31, 2025.
Picture credit: Mondo
Mondo digital competencies training programme in Kenya and Uganda

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