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Initiative for Digital Government and Cybersecurity in Horn of Africa countries

  • SDG8
icon_Digital Transformation

Cybersecurity and e-governance

Timeframe 01.04.2022-31.12.2024 Lõppenud
Target group Governments of Djibouti and Somalia
Budget 365 795 EUR
  • Euroopa Komisjon
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The D4D Initiative aims to support 3 HoAI member states - Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti, in strengthening the necessary strategic, institutional, regulatory, and human capacities needed to establish digital government services, with a potential for regional harmonisation. Bearing in mind the differences in country-specific digital development, the multi donor action aims to find regional solutions to complement already existing or ongoing national efforts with a view to avoid duplication of work and creating idle systems. To that end, ESTDEV will be leading comprehensive digital readiness studies in the two target countries. This study will then inform 3 thorough roadmaps to guide the next steps in the digital transformation of the three countries.

Project objectives

The overall objective of the D4D Horn of Africa Initiative is to support member states of the Horn of Africa region to effectively apply digital technologies towards an efficient, people-centred and harmonised digital public service delivery.

To achieve this, the multi-donor action has two Specific Objectives:

Specific Objective 1: Selected Horn of Africa countries enhance their service delivery through implementing digital government services.

Specific Objective 2: HoA countries develop and improve national and regional cybersecurity.

ESTDEV is contributing to Specific Objective 1, which in turn is divided into 3 Outputs (see table below). 

Actions and results

Activity 1: Conducting two Digital Readiness Studies. Digital Readiness studies are country level assessments that address the country's overall change readiness, ecosystem and possible focus areas for intervention to introduce digital government services. Additionally the potential for regional harmonisation of digital government services and cross border data exchange will be investigated. Studies will be carried out for Somalia and Djibouti.

Activity 2: Development of three national roadmaps for the introduction of e-government services. Based on the stakeholder interest mapping, selected e-government services and validation workshops carried out in previous steps by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), detailed roadmaps for Kenya, Djibouti and Somalia will be developed for the introduction of national e-government services, including the piloting and roll-out phase, as well as possibilities for regional harmonisation.

Activity 3: Provide support to ITU in the identification of 5 e-government services with potential for regional harmonisation and holding Validation Workshops.
