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Modernization of the educational content of early childhood education

  • SDG4


Timeframe 01.01.2024-31.12.2024 Lõppenud
Target group Ukraina alusharidusasutused
Budget 270 000 EUR

To support the opening of a kindergarten to be built by Estonia in the city of Ovruch, by introducing the staff to modern methodologies that are used in Estonia and to assist in their implementation. In addition, the acquisition of teaching aids, administrative environment and equipment for the kindergarten to be built, as well as to some extent for other kindergartens. Sharing Estonian best practices with officials responsible for early childhood education.

Project objectives

The aim of the project is to train the staff of a kindergarten in Ovruch, Ukraine, in modern teaching methodologies and to support the implementation of new methodologies. 

Actions and results

Activity 1.1: Study visit of Ovruch city kindergarten leaders to Estonia, within the framework of which the Estonian early childhood education system and organization will be familiarized with, and further steps and training needs for the staff of the kindergarten to be established will be established.
Activity 1.2: Study visit of the staff of the kindergarten to be established to Estonia, in the framework of which they will be selected as a work shadow in the kindergarten and undergo team training.
Activity 1.3: Two visits to the opening of the kindergarten (Part I and II), establishing further plans, mapping the necessary educational materials and equipment
Activity 1.4: Mentoring by partner kindergartens both in Ukraine and at a distance
Activity 1.5: Two visits of the Estonian partner kindergarten to Ukraine for mentoring and training
Activity 1.6: Training as needed (use of new technology or environment, other)
Activity 1.7: Training of trainers for kindergarten staff
Activity 1.8: Educational trip to Estonia for the staff of the second half of the kindergarten
Activity 1.9: Opening the second kindergarten side, mentoring and advising the new team to start working.
Activity 2.1: Mapping the need for teaching aids, technology and administrative environments
Activity 2.2: Procurement of learning materials, technology and administrative environments
Activity 2.3: Delivery of educational materials and equipment to kindergartens
Activity 3.1: Meetings at the regional and possibly ministry level to map the current situation and introduce Estonian practice
Activity 3.2: Study visit to Estonia
Activity 3.3: Discussing feedback and opportunities for further cooperation